What's Happening Now

Dear Parents

      Welcome to Third Grade! Mrs. Huffman and myself are excited about this year and the learning we expect to take place. This is an important year for your child. There is a significant amount of material to be covered based on the Virginia Standards of Learning(SOL) for third grade. In order to master all of it, we expect to work vigorously on developing such skills as independence, responsibility, strong organizational skills, and self-discipline. As we begin this year's instruction, we want to share some important information with you about our classroom operations.

      All homework assignments will be written on the board daily.  It is your child’s responsibility to copy it down in his/her agenda book.  Please go over your child’s homework assignments and help make corrections.
        If something should occur and an assignment cannot be completed, write a note, so that we are aware of the situation.  Homework is additional practice of the skills taught, and it allows you to see what your child is doing in school. 

Tuesday Folders:
        The teachers will send home “Tuesday Folders” that will contain graded work.  This weekly system may include comments from your child’s teachers.  There is also space for a parents/guardians complete signature to let the teachers know that you and your child have looked through these important papers together.  This folder serves as a communication tool, so please return it to school by Thursday  at the latest.  Homework sheets and any important notes from school will be placed in the daily homework folder.


All students need the required supplies in order for us to proceed with instruction.  As the year progresses, please check frequently for any materials that need to be replenished and do so promptly.  If you have any difficulty providing any of your child’s supplies, for any reason, please contact me.  I will see what I can do to help.

Parents/ Guardians, you are such an important part of your child’s education.  You can help by encouraging your child to study and complete his/her daily assignments.  Encourage your child to be responsible for everything he /she will do in or out of school.  We are confident this year will be a successful learning experience for your child, and we thank you for your support.


Niki Davis and Lisa Huffman